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During Eid al-Fitr, "Clementia" blends philosophy with the sensory experience of peeling a clementine, symbolising new beginnings and the goodwill of the festive atmosphere. 🌙

The beaming sunlight in the humid afternoon, fresh beginnings with a renewed sense of purpose.

Exploring the Path: 

The Journey Behind Process and Thought.

In the tranquil celebration of Eid al-Fitr, the essence of "Clementia" seamlessly bridges philosophical reflections with the sensory experience of a clementine.🌙

As you hold the clementine during this joyous occasion, its weight becomes a comforting presence, and the smooth, gleaming skin beneath your fingertips serves as a metaphor for the merciful and forgiving nature of the season. With utmost care, you start peeling the clementine, a ritual akin to unwrapping blessings during Eid. The sweet, fresh aroma that gracefully fills the air symbolises not just the citrusy essence of the fruit but also the promise of new beginnings and the fragrance of goodwill that permeates the festive atmosphere.

Incorporating the Latin term "Clementia" enriches the narrative, offering a broader context that resonates with kindness, mercy, and a gentle disposition. This connection deepens the philosophical underpinning and aligns with the open-hearted spirit of Eid, where the sweetness of joy lingers.

The imagery of being transported to memories of warm springs and lush orange groves enhances the sensory experience, tying it to the broader philosophy. The metaphorical act of peeling the clementine becomes a powerful symbol, unravelling the layers of the heart and revealing the core values of Eid al-Fitr—a celebration that extends beyond the tangible, embracing the philosophy of "Clementia" and the imagined warmth of shared moments, laughter, and happiness. 🍊✨

Year: 2023
Location: Bandung, Indonesia

Graphic Design

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